
Carin Pleininger - artist and innovator. As an artist and human being, I want to fill everyone’s public space with expressions and impressions that can give a hint of what the good side of man can be capable of if he wants to. With various collaborations, where other people’s know-how and innovations are combined with my own, make worlds that no one could see coming, but it was lucky that they did, because now we know what a benevolent person, alone or in a group, is capable of if you want to improve the world as best you can.


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   iI vitt skilda miljöer....



Carin Pleiniger har gjort uppdrag bland annat hos:

Malmö stad

Karlskrona kommun

Eskilstuna kommun

Malmö museer

Österlens museum

Konsthallen Karlshamn

Karlshamn kommun

Alingsås kommun

Uddevalla kommun


Blekinge museum

Brunnsparken Ronneby

Sofiero, Helsingborg

Konstrundan i Blekinge

Marinmuseum Karlskrona

Trädgårdsmässan Malmö

Teknikmässan Göteborg

Carl Gustavs kyrka Karlshamn

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